$GARY Giveaway Sunday - Week 26! 5 x prizes of 0.0.06 GARY totaling approx 11,000 ZIL ($900 USD)

Alrighty.. :) @ZillaQuest you ready to do the $GARY giveaway? Spreadsheet is update ready to go - Week 26!! 6 months we have now been doing the lotto haha! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1msRCWxJql6kvbBBpSQqjo1j7NyqOcv3BKUaMOgCHJ2E/edit?usp=sharing (W26 tab) Tonight rolling is 5 prizes of 0.06 $GARY worth approx. 11,000 ZIL! (900 USD). We also have 4 bonus prizes of NFT snails C/O The Oasis of Amazing Creatures https://twitter.com/OasisOfAmazing an extra special THANKYOU to them! :) @ZillaQuest the roll is today... /roll@wowrollbot 1 174 Environmental Snail 005: John and Mary lived happily ever after. Environmental Snail 012: The Gold ranger of the Gary Force. Master ranger of last resort. Bringer of hope Environmental Snail 013: The Silver ranger of the Gary Force. Only called upon in peril need. Undefeated so far. Environmental Snail 014: The Purple ranger of the Gary Force. Only called upon when the six are overwhelmed. Alrighty that's all our ...