$GARY Giveaway Sunday - Week 26! 5 x prizes of 0.0.06 GARY totaling approx 11,000 ZIL ($900 USD)

Alrighty.. :) @ZillaQuest you ready to do the $GARY giveaway? 

Spreadsheet is update ready to go - Week 26!! 6 months we have now been doing the lotto haha!

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1msRCWxJql6kvbBBpSQqjo1j7NyqOcv3BKUaMOgCHJ2E/edit?usp=sharing (W26 tab)

Tonight rolling is 5 prizes of 0.06 $GARY worth approx. 11,000 ZIL! (900 USD).  We also have 4 bonus prizes of NFT snails C/O  The Oasis of Amazing Creatures https://twitter.com/OasisOfAmazing  an extra special THANKYOU to them! :)

@ZillaQuest the roll is today...  /roll@wowrollbot 1 174

Environmental Snail 005: John and Mary lived happily ever after.

Environmental Snail 012: The Gold ranger of the Gary Force. Master ranger of last resort. Bringer of hope

Environmental Snail 013: The Silver ranger of the Gary Force. Only called upon in peril need. Undefeated so far.

Environmental Snail 014: The Purple ranger of the Gary Force. Only called upon when the six are overwhelmed.

Alrighty that's all our winners today ill transfer them all now!!   Thanks for all that watched today, and thanks to @ZillaQuest for the rolls and entertainment as normal :)

Bit of an update on the Garity Charity for Sept.. 1 more week to go!!  Dig deep and get ya donations in..

Charity Name: Kayleigh's Wee Stars - Support for families

Website: https://www.kayleighsweestars.co.uk

For anyone that wishes to add to the donation to this months charity (this is not a mandatory thing - only if you want to!), please send it to (ZIL or ZWAP only please!).  DM me if you want to let me know :)  Or keep it anonymous - totally up to you. DONATION ADDRESS - 

thegarytoken.zil —>HIS CAN BE put into the wallet address when sending funds in Zilpay :)  If not using zilpay use zil1k9sv6slj3hafp6vaxza9akce0h946h8tm7uhwa

PLEASE ZWAP OR ZIL ONLY - any other tokens will be returned to the owner - the intent is not to dump on zil projects.

We are currently up to a nice and tidy figure so far of 21,500 ZILS!

0.06 GARY  

zil1p4ekf9nw0429wmz9zwt96htjvdqqrfhkmsx6zg  https://viewblock.io/zilliqa/tx/58c44ebcc2188cb044225d98ef6f8d73741da0a976ac14d5d6f8757a77ea93da?network=mainnet

zil1tz7memrw4ktldasdwp02h4sd7ajcn696ml0wu6  https://viewblock.io/zilliqa/tx/f7c457821a3b3ca1746e97228b8a2db4d9511a1cd71b5ebb3f5c8ee42ed23cf8?network=mainnet

zil1qxljttejcdw5k3ke9u7l3mw4mrlf2vwgl2jjzk  https://viewblock.io/zilliqa/tx/479ad51d7a9febae45ee66b73d49b997f2a68d9e72f2f18dfd3699f5df67bab3?network=mainnet

zil1jkp8sqcs4eat2pen2k8hq00y44sx4yrqxylvju  https://viewblock.io/zilliqa/tx/7657443c27e5bd0e3151621383b30d84f5ee7589ce762a6111d178bca9483fc1?network=mainnet

zil1kx6j6ynn25s3tqerrvncj0ucfkjchyf222spyh  https://viewblock.io/zilliqa/tx/93494170f91e5a3e1dc6c35c54fa134fca69064b64f5f25d97b37326e7ee48f5?network=mainnet


OAC NFTs  https://twitter.com/OasisOfAmazing

zil14yape3pepzfejrw0f89wm4nrulvkrhaz4rjcqh  https://viewblock.io/zilliqa/tx/81bdf3e9bb9f24d6dd01476c9b21e337e4e8b27f0bc15d6716ca5b3d68c751f0?network=mainnet

zil12rae2ctn27f8d6f4hgx6u59966ctzvje8yes54  https://viewblock.io/zilliqa/tx/558b29e3fe0f0629baf2e7a4baed48ddecaabbcc2229588d241b4f6b6c211c3b?network=mainnet

zil1z5xchht2luumrhhgkfu80wnh2064zg39mh3geq  https://viewblock.io/zilliqa/tx/cb6fad84e73edef070045bf8f745ea03ded8c0cff5da070f5b7d895d2465d23d?network=mainnet

zil1s7h93kdzm6hu3udvxs2x4ekjuatgy7gs70d9tf  https://viewblock.io/zilliqa/tx/99d52428110937ad7ef4f89aa4bd2b4015c7764f6fc1fd2c728113df34e50341?network=mainnet

Grats again to all the winners...


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