Garity Charity for December Voting now finished - Cystic Fibrosis Western Australia
🔥🔥 Garity Charity for December Voting now finished 🔥🔥
With 56.73% of the vote (and 4 of 9 voters), im super proud to announce our December charity is... THANKYOU to those votes from myself being its a charity pretty close to my heart (I think everyone is well aware I have Cystic Fibrosis).
Charity Name: Cystic Fibrosis Western Australia
For anyone that wishes to add to the donation to this months charity (this is not a mandatory thing - only if you want to!), please send it to (ZIL or ZWAP only please!). DM me if you want to let me know :) Or keep it anonymous - totally up to you. DONATION ADDRESS -
gary.zil —> THIS CAN BE put into the wallet address when sending funds in Zilpay :) If not using zilpay use zil1k9sv6slj3hafp6vaxza9akce0h946h8tm7uhwa
PLEASE ZWAP OR ZIL ONLY - any other tokens will be returned to the owner - the intent is not to dump on zil projects.
Any questions/queries please DM me or chat in the channel...
Over the next 2 weeks (this charity will end on the 26th December), and is our last one for a few months! we have a few special NFTS, in a special Space Monster, 2 AWESOME Pelecans.. and 2 LLamas that we will be auctioning off or raffling off (more details as the days go on) so keep an eye out for those!
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